Bennett, Lady Gaga Collaboration Shows Power of Music in Dementia

Bennett, Lady Gaga Collaboration Shows Power of Music in Dementia

When Tony Bennett was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, his family didn’t hide from it. Instead, they moved forward with a collaboration between the 95-year-old singer and one of the most popular singers today, Lady Gaga. Though there’s a 60-year age difference between them, Bennett and Lady Gaga discovered an incredible artistic connection and have created beautiful music together over the last decade. Bennett, who has been performing for over 70 years, announced his retirement from performing live earlier this year and has decided to close that chapter of his career with Lady Gaga for final concert called One Last Time recorded at Radio City Music Hall in 2021. CBS’s 60 Minutes caught up with the two, highlighting this beautiful musical combination – and the power of music for those living with dementia. Watch the 60 Minutes’ episode to see for yourself.

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The Cordwainer | Erica Lathrop

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