Bennett, Lady Gaga Collaboration Shows Power of Music in Dementia

Bennett, Lady Gaga Collaboration Shows Power of Music in Dementia

When Tony Bennett was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, his family didn’t hide from it. Instead, they moved forward with a collaboration between the 95-year-old singer and one of the most popular singers today, Lady Gaga. Though there’s a 60-year age difference between them, Bennett and Lady Gaga discovered an incredible artistic connection and have created beautiful […]

Watch Dr. Andrew Budson Present: “Seven Steps to Managing Your Memory” at The Cordwainer

Dr. Andrew Budson, Professor of Neurology at Boston University, Lecturer in Neurology at Harvard Medical School, Chief of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology at the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System, and the Medical Director of the Boston Center for Memory, presents Seven Steps to Managing Your Memory: What’s Normal, What’s Not, and What to Do About […]

Learn More about Dementia and the Grieving Process

Learn More about Dementia and the Grieving Process

The caregiver of someone living with dementia experiences the grief of losing the person they once knew. Although their loved one is still here physically, it is common to grieve the loss of who they were. To learn more about the grieving process, and who to work your way towards acceptance, click here.

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Meet Erica Lathrop, Sales Director!

The Cordwainer | Erica Lathrop

I understand the first step is the hardest. Schedule a tour today and experience my personalized approach to showing families how we’re redefining memory care on the South Shore.

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